Lower Blandford Road, Broadstone, BH18 8DP
01202 600696
Senior Steward: Mrs Joan Jackson
Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Tony Cavanagh (Covenant Service)
Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Maureen McCabe
Welcome to Wool Methodist Church. Our mission is to provide a welcoming venue for those who desire to worship the Lord, to learn more about Him or to come to know Him for the first time.
The Congregation at Wool Methodist Church is dedicated and caring and we have between 20 and 30 each Sunday. We are known as the welcoming Church as we have an open door with a steward ready to welcome not just our own members but Preachers and visitors. We are a variety of ages from children in Sunday School through to more mature adults who are young at heart. We have a good Pastoral team who work together to ensure everyone is looked after. We also have a team of eight stewards who are always ready to step in and help with whatever and whenever it is needed.
Methodism in Wool can be traced back to 1836 but the present building was not opened for worship until 7th April 1893. The total cost was £366, raised mainly through subscriptions and collections.
In 2001, to celebrate the millennium, a beautiful stained glass window, designed by Jane Dickinson, was installed behind the altar.
Wool Church members have been very aware of the support they have received from the village, the Circuit and other churches and hope that with the help of God worship will continue here for many years to come.
The Teapot Club meet together fortnightly, and our Bible Study and Prayer Meetings meet on alternate Thursday afternoons.
Sunday School takes place during the normal morning service which begins at 11:00 am – and Anniversary and Christmas are celebrated with lunches at the Royal British Legion as well as the usual Carol and other Services. Other 'social' events take place as and when they can be arranged.
Wool Methodist Church use the following resources:
Registered Charity no. 1136518
07925 134 250
Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road