10:00am Worship followed by refreshments
7.15pm Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association (BBGA) Seniors and Company Sections (11 – 18 years) Alternate weeks
6pm BBGA Anchors (5-7 years)
7pm BBGA Juniors (7-11 years)
7.45pm SMILE Ladies' Group
9-10.45 am and 10.30-12noon Trinity Toddlers Groups
11.30 Midweek Holy Communion and lunch monthly
10.30- 12 noon Coffee Morning
11.30 – 12 noon Prayer Meeting
7.15pm BBGA Seniors and Company Sections
9 – 10.30 Ladies' Breakfast monthly
Registered Charity no. 1136518
07925 134 250
Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road