Is the Church body's 'Processor Record' up to date?
The Processor Record for Managing Trustees shows where the various records are held. It should be reviewed each year to see if any changes need to be made (for example – the contact details of the representative). You can download the Word version from this page.
To Consider:
Item 10. Consents Record – Ideally there should be a single document where all the consents are recorded, but in some cases it may be more appropriate to have more than one version.
Item 11. Categories of Processing: This is the Data Mapping table. As with Consents, the ideal would be a single document which can be easily checked, but it may be more appropriate to hold different ones relating to the role.
Item 12. Breach record: All instances of a personal Data breach, regardless of how small (eg an email sent to the wrong recipient) should be recorded.
Item 13. Transfer of information overseas: In some cases you may be sending personal information overseas – for example, to a partner church for prayer request. If this is the case, a separate record is required on the Annex to the Processor Record.
Suggested Process:
Registered Charity no. 1136518
07925 134 250
Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road