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Julian Tawn

dr julian tawn

Dr Julian Tawn

I am a retired Consultant Radiologist, who worked for the NHS for more than 38 years, 28 of them as a Consultant in Bournemouth. I was happily married for 34 years, until my wife Jill died 6 years ago. I first committed my life to the Lord as a teenager, in Winton Methodist Church. Sadly, I drifted away from the church during my years as a doctor. Unwisely, I allowed my career to become the priority in my life. Consequently, I was not in a good place when my wife died, and I entered a couple of 'wilderness' years.

However, although I had forgotten God, in His love, He hadn't forgotten me.

Through an amazing series of events, including a Christian conference in Lincoln, the Red Arrows, reconciliation with my sister, Chris, and the loving and welcoming congregation of BMC at St. George's, God brought me back to Himself. Not long after joining St. George's, I felt the call to train as a local preacher. During lockdown, I have written a daily devotional email which is distributed to approximately 45 people around the Circuit, and I have been leading a Zoom Bible study group on Wednesday evenings. I have almost finished the local preacher training process now, but I still have a strong sense that God is requiring more from me. I feel that this may involve some sort of leadership role in the Church, which is why I have put myself forward, initially on a trial basis, as a Circuit Steward.

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07925 134 250

Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

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