An unexpected consequence of the recent pandemic lockdown was the commencement of congregations from all around the circuit coming together to Worship as one, rather than separate Churches, and of course via the Zoom platform. Something most of us didn't know about before.
The online services have been a huge success, it wasn't unusual during lockdown to get 80+ worshipers at a service and friendships have developed with people from all over the circuit, who would probably never have met if it wasn't for Zoom Worship.
People have experienced a greater sense of belonging to the circuit as a whole, rather than just their own local Church.
Many people have expressed they are very happy to resume Worshiping at their local Church. But at the same time they miss Worshiping with the whole 'Circuit Congregation' as they were able to on zoom during lockdown.
This is also a way of reinstating an evening service, which is something we as a Circuit have not done for some time.
We will be looking for volunteers to join a team of people to assist operating zoom itself. People will not need to be technical wizards. If you know how to open a zoom meeting, operate 'shared screen' and open a YouTube video we would love you to join the team and perhaps help one evening a month.
Training assistance can also be given, if people feel the call to join the team, but feel uncertain about their zoom skills, feel free to get in contact with the Circuit Office for a chat.
Registered Charity no. 1136518
07925 134 250
Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road