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Prayers for Ukraine

a prayer for ukraineukraine

Dear Friends,

As the news unfolds of the Russian attack on Ukraine – let us pray as a circuit and alongside our sisters and brothers across the world for the people impacted by the conflict in Ukraine and those who have the power to bring it to an end.

We may not be together physically but we can pray at the same time- 8pm – each evening this week wherever and whomever we are with.

There are some prayers below collected from The Methodist Church in GB, JPIT (Joint Public Issues Team) and The Corrymeela Community in Ireland (who work in facilitating peace and reconciliation), if like me, you don't know where or how to start praying about this.

Hearing this news is unsettling and concerning, it raises so many questions- but rather than let the worry overwhelm us – we know that we can bring everything to God in prayer. We may not find answers or even understanding of these events, but God's Spirit can guide us in the best way to be and how to act in this situation. Our strength and our faith is in God: Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.

So let us pray together – wherever we are at 8pm every evening this week.


Revs Karen, Betto and Tony, Deacons Suzie and Gill

Prayer for peace in Ukraine

Holy and Gracious God

We pray for the people of the Ukraine and the people of Russia; for their countries and their leaders.

We pray for all those who are afraid; that your everlasting arms hold them in this time of great fear.

We pray for all those who have the power over life and death; that they will choose for all people life, and life in all its fullness.

We pray for those who choose war; that they will remember that you direct your people to turn our swords into ploughshares and seek for peace.

We pray for leaders on the world stage; that they are inspired by the wisdom and courage of Christ.

Above all, Lord, today we pray for peace for Ukraine.

And we ask this in the name of your blessed Son.

Lord have mercy.


Join in with online prayer for Ukraine on Ash Wednesday
The Conference of European Churches, which includes the World Methodist Council, has issued an invitation to an online prayer service on Ash Wednesday, 2 March at 17.00 (CET). The service will bring together Christians from Ukraine and other parts of the world, seeking peace and an end to the ongoing conflict. Register to join here.

Prayers from the Joint Public Issues Team


The Joint Public Issues Team has released a prayer for Ukraine. We have also gathered links to other resources that might help you and your congregation as we pray and seek peace together.

God of all,
with alarm and concern we bring before you the military intervention in Ukraine.
In a world you made for peace and flourishing, we lament the use of armed force.
We mourn every casualty of this conflict, every precious life extinguished by war.
We pray comfort for those who grieve and those who are fearful.
Hear our longing that leaders and nations will honour the worth of all people by having the courage to resolve conflict through dialogue.
May all our human failings be transformed by your wonderful grace and goodness.
We ask this in the name of Christ, the author of peace and sustainer of Creation. Amen


God who sees the weakness in acts of naked aggression.
God who feels the fear in moments of acute helplessness:
cure this warring madness,
And shield all who fall in harm's way.
Leach the poison from the mind that thinks strength is shown in a bullying force.
And may an equal strength in solidarity give resolve to those whose aim is to protect, and respect,
not just the ones we call our own, but all with whom, we can share a better, more peaceful world.
(The Corrymeela Community)

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