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Messy Harvest at The Spire

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On Monday 9th October 2023 Deacon Gill and friends welcomed Year 1 of the local infant school to The Spire for 'Messy Harvest.'

Forty-nine children heard how bananas, grown and harvested in India, travelled to English shops and to our homes.

Why bananas, you may ask. Well, because bananas are the favourite food of Orangutan and it was a hairy red-head Orangutan named Esau along with his friend Julian who told the children all about bananas.

After the story and the singing of 'Big Red Combine Harvester' the children made harvest wreaths, dangly legged scarecrows and enjoyed refreshments.

Deacon Gill would like to thank friends, teachers and parents for lending a helping hand, she wouldn't have managed with you.

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