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Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service

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Maundy Thursday 1st April at 7pm on Zoom

In this service we meditate on the last hours Jesus spent with His disciples, and that He and they were in the shadow of the cross.

The mood is solemn and restrained with dim lighting in the room you will be joining the service from.

The service begins with the disciples asking Jesus where He wanted them to go and prepare their Passover meal, followed by further readings from God's Word.

After each reading a candle is extinguished followed by silent meditation. Eventually there is darkness:
The darkness of the enmity gathering around our Lord,
The darkness of the spirit which swept over Him, and
The desertion of His disciples.

One candle is relit to remind us that after death there is the promise of the resurrection.

This service will mean most to us if we discipline ourselves to observe SILENCE during the service and maintain this silence until we have left the service.

If you would like to 'Worship in the Shadows', please email Deacon Gill for the Zoom link, gilljudge60@gmail.com

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Heron Court Road

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