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Ladies' Breakfast Group 2021

Ladies' Breakfast Group 2021

2nd Saturday of each month from 9.30 – 10.30am on Zoom.

Book of RUTH

What does it have to say to women like us, living in unforeseen circumstances today?

This friendly, mixed-age group of women meets monthly online for fellowship and to explore a whole range of issues from a Christian perspective. Friends from different denominations have joined us and two Methodist Circuits are represented.

Zoom means that we can welcome new members, and their friends, from right across Poole Bay Circuit so, if you are interested, please contact Val Roantree at roantreejv@gmail.com for more information and to receive the Zoom link.

Taking one chapter each month from 13 February to 8 May, we will be exploring what we can learn from this Old Testament book, as women living in changing and uncertain times. Please read all four chapters in preparation.

About the Group
Formerly the Ladies' Breakfast group met at 9am-ish at BMC@Trinity in Southbourne for a continental breakfast and chat before a worship and devotional time which finished at 10.30am. The sessions were varied in their focus and format.
With Covid-19 we successfully moved to Zoom but, unfortunately, some of our group can't join in, except for the socially distanced summer breakfast at Tuckton Tea Gardens. We usually have about eight members meeting online.
Traditionally, we also organise an annual Advent Sunday Candle-lit Devotional Service, preceded by delicious desserts. Thanks to BMC@Winton's technical expert, the musicians and singers we were able to hold the service online in 2020, minus the puds!

Get In Touch

07925 134 250

Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

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