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Hobbies Week at The Spire

2022 pm hobbies week

Hobbies Week 2022 held at Poole Methodists from Monday 24th to Friday 28th October was a HUGE success.

Over the five days, 123 children (plus their accompanying adults) visited and became involved with the hobby crafts on offer. Voluntary donations were received in support of the 'Kids Eat Free' initiative run by Wesley's Café.

Visitors came from all over the conurbation including Bournemouth, Bearwood, Lytchett Minster, Hamworthy, Parkstone, Oakdale, Broadstone, etc. Some were visiting family for Half Term (from out of area).

Hobbies Week offered friendship, encouragement, opportunities, new skills, awareness of the presence of Poole Methodists, and an experience of Christian love in action.

Each young person left with a 'goody bag' containing the craft they had made, a leaflet for Together at One and a card with a thought-provoking but subtle prayer challenge.

Thank you to all those from Poole Bay Methodist Circuit who supported Hobbies Week.

  • Monday: Crafty Recycling
  • Tuesday: Growing Naturally
  • Wednesday: Natty Knitting
  • Thursday: Wonderful Weaving
  • Friday: It's a surprise!

Gather Together | Grow a skill | Go...and visit again!

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Heron Court Road

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