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Giving thanks for our vaccines


Dear Friends,

As many of us, and our family and friends, are receiving the Covid vaccine we are inviting you to please donate to the work of Christian Aid on our own District giving page:


Much of their work is across the world in areas where the vaccine will be rolled out in a much later, and slower, way than ours is being done. In order to ensure that the medical teams have all that they need to facilitate the roll-out of the vaccine the support from organisations like Christian Aid is vital.

We have set our District a challenge of raising at least £2,600 – representing our District number of 26! – so please do give as generously as you can and spread the word to family, friends and community groups so that we ask everyone to share the joy of getting their own vaccine with sisters and brothers around the world. We are also working on a press release to go to local news outlets and this should be available next week. Our suggested donation is £10 but please just give as you are able.
(Note: click on 'custom amount' to choose your preferred donation, and where it asks for platform fees you can select 'other' and then zero.)

Let us not only meet our target but smash through it as we journey through the next few months.

We also invite you to hold the work of Christian Aid in your prayers as they work on our behalf.

I hope that you, and those closest to you, are able to stay safe and keep well.

Every blessing,

Revd Andrew de Ville
District Chair of the Southampton District

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07925 134 250

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Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

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