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Circuit Youth Group

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Summer Term Dates:

  • 8th May
  • 22nd May
  • Half term Break
  • 12th June
  • 26th June
  • 10th July

The Circuit Youth Group is a group targeted at 11-16 year-olds who attend, or have some interest in, church. In total we have 15 young people on our books and average attendance of about 6. Those who currently attend regularly come from three different churches in the Circuit.

Meetings take place fortnightly in term-time on Sunday evenings at The Spire, High Street, Poole. The focus is on fun and informality. We see fierce competition at table football, Twister, and chess! We are creative as well, e.g. learning about the importance of good listening in a blind-fold activity, creating art work, and enjoying quizzes.

Our "God Slot" at each meeting is an opportunity for discussion and learning about some Christian truths. The young people engage well with this and created their own list of Ground Rules for the Group, ensuring that each person's views are respected and listened to.

Unsurprisingly, refreshments are an important part of each meeting! We have had a range of enjoyable experiences, ranging from hot dogs, ice creams and rainbow fruit kebabs to good old chips! We have had a special cake for each person's birthday, whether young person or helper. We have marked the seasons with a Christmas party and, more recently we have made (and successfully tossed) pancakes!

All the helpers share a vision of providing a safe and positive meeting place for our young people. Turning 11 and being able to join the Circuit Youth Group has become something of a rite of passage If you have young people in your church who are aged 11-16, or are due to turn 11 in the next few months, please do let us know.

Get In Touch

07925 134 250

Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

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© 2025 – Poole Bay Methodist Circuit