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Poole Bay
Methodist  Circuit

Broadstone Methodist Church

Lower Blandford Road, Broadstone, BH18 8DP

01202 600696

Senior Steward: Mrs Joan Jackson


Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Tony Cavanagh (Covenant Service)

Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Maureen McCabe

upton church 2023  main image

Upton is on the edge of the Poole and Bournemouth conurbation and manages to combine an urban area of a population of 8500 with access to both the inner harbour and countryside. Upton Methodist Church is on the western side of the 'town' close to the local schools. Methodists' have been meeting in the area since 1789; the current chapel was opened in 1865 and has since been extended and modernised. We are fortunate to have a large, enclosed garden.

We celebrate being a truly all-age, vibrant, active family church in the community of Upton – where everyone can be sure of a warm welcome. We seek to show what we know in all that we do... the love of God makes a difference!

We don't just meet on a Sunday morning for worship!

  • We have our 'Big Bug Club' – a youth group that meets one Sunday a month
  • Opportunities for Bible study
  • Coffee & Cake mornings
  • A Book Group
  • A Walking Group
  • 'Balance & Bounce' – an adult support group for those living with, and the carers of, people with long-term / chronic medical conditions
  • 'Daisy Chains' – a group for children and families with special needs, which meets during the school holidays

Our worship and study opportunities help us grow as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Beyond the walls we have links into the wider community through our Ofsted registered Preschool and a Toddler Group, our involvement with local schools and other volunteering.

Come and see – it will make a difference.

Upton Methodist Church uses the following resources:-Singing the Faith

  • Hymns & Psalms
  • Mission Praise
  • Audio & Visual equipment for PowerPoints & YouTube etc.

Our Vision, Mission and Commitment Statement.

  • To be a welcoming church family that demonstrates the love of God to each other and to our community.
  • We will worship and pray regularly and endeavour to make our worship and prayers acceptable to God and meaningful to our community.
  • We will consider and try different forms of worship and encourage active participation.
  • We will organise and provide opportunities to study the word of God and to deepen our fellowship.
  • We resolve to bring a knowledge of God's love to all in our community.
  • We will strive to serve the whole of our community in Upton from the youngest to the oldest.
  • We commit to continuing our work with the young through our Parent and Toddler club (Noah's Ark), our Pre-school, BIG BUG Club and Daisy Chains.
  • We will support our ministers in their work of bringing a knowledge of God's love to our local schools.
  • We commit to providing opportunities for outreach and service.
  • We will continue to administer the Ballam Trust for the benefit of the needy in Upton and Lytchett Minster.
  • We resolve to help those in need outside our local community by actively supporting such organisations as Poole Food Bank, Shelter, Water Aid, Link to Hope, Transform Trade, Action for Children (NCH), "All We Can" (MRDF).
upton methodist church
upton  daisy chains
upton  daisy chains
upton coffee mornings
more photos
upton church 2023  main image
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2023 upton scarecrows
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upton christmas angels 2021
upton wreath2020
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Get In Touch

07925 134 250

Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Poole Bay Methodist Circuit