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Poole Bay
Methodist  Circuit

Broadstone Methodist Church

Lower Blandford Road, Broadstone, BH18 8DP

01202 600696

Senior Steward: Mrs Joan Jackson


Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Tony Cavanagh (Covenant Service)

Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Maureen McCabe

maidment entrance

Maidment Court brings together state-of-the-art retirement properties in landscaped grounds, along with a superb range of facilities and amenities designed to make retired life easy and enjoyable. The development has a range of studios, one and two bedroom apartments for sale and rent, creating a diverse and vibrant community of residents aged 60 and over.

We are a welcoming multi-denominational congregation which usually numbers between 25 and 35 adults. We have a 35 – 40 minute act of worship every week which begins at 3.45pm.

This is in addition to Monday morning Prayers and a mid-week Fellowship time organised by Maidment Court's own Chaplains. There is also a variety of other mid-week activities which strengthens the feeling of community among the residents.

Our pattern of worship usually includes 3 hymns, prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Intercession and a short address. We use the traditional form of the Lord's Prayer.

The names of the Chaplains are: Julia Garlick and Deacon Gill Judge who can be contacted via the office: 01202 674423.

maidment cross and bible
maidment forget me not service
maidment harvest
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maidment p rd with flowers
maidment parkstone rd
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maidment cross and bible

Get In Touch

07925 134 250

Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Poole Bay Methodist Circuit