Lower Blandford Road, Broadstone, BH18 8DP
01202 600696
Senior Steward: Mrs Joan Jackson
Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Tony Cavanagh (Covenant Service)
Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Maureen McCabe
Bournemouth Methodist Church @ Trinity, Southbourne is our full name, but everyone knows us as Trinity.
Formally called Southbourne Methodist Church, we were renamed when our fellowship and Punshon Memorial Methodist joined together and the building was altered and facilities improved.
We can be found at The Grove end of Southbourne Road, just behind The Green. Trinity is one of the four Mission Centres which make up Bournemouth Methodist Church and we also belong to the Churches Together in Southbourne partnership.
Trinity's Mission Statement
To have God's heart for people and truly love each other so the church family is built up in preparation for loving those who will join us. Be devoted to one another in love.
Romans 12:10
This Mission Statement was adopted in early 2019. Our love for each other also shows itself in our love for others and support for the foodbank, BCARS Staysafe and other projects locally.
We have weekly services at 10.30 and occasionally meet for joint Bournemouth Methodist Church services. Adapted during Covid-19 to using various technologies to share Sunday evening Worship with other churches in the Poole Bay Methodist Circuit.
Our Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association (BBGA) Company meet in the premises on Tuesdays (Anchors & Juniors) and Fridays (Company & Seniors) each week during Term time. Older groups have an annual Summer Camp at the beginning of August.
Trinity Toddlers, Dorset Mind , various support groups, sporting and fitness groups, Sequence Dancing group, Children's music and drama groups and Autism and Downs Syndrome groups (in our specially designed Sensory Room) can regularly be found using the building.
Bournemouth Methodist Church at Trinity use the following resources:
Registered Charity no. 1136518
07925 134 250
Poole Bay Methodist Circuit Office
Winton Methodist Church
Heron Court Road